HOW embarrassing it must be for Prof Whitelegg personally and the Greens generally to be defended by 'Barry Bell' (now better known locally as 'Daft Dinger').

This intellectual giant of the Gormless Greens has now polluted the pages of your paper for two weeks running with the most inane garbage imaginable.

Last week the clot wanted to attract visitors to Morecambe by proclaiming that it would be impossible for them to drive to the seafront.

This week he calls Richard Newman-Thompson and myself a 'gruesome twosome'.

One can just imagine this intellectual (if not chronological) juvenile jumping up and down and putting out his tongue as he gave free rein to his poetic genius.

And all this rather than have his hero, the absent-minded Professor held to account for his own words.

However, I'm very grateful to the Daft One for giving me yet another opportunity to draw the facts of the case to the attention of your readers.

Professor Whitelegg said that the Green Party had, in the past, supported the construction of a new road to deal with a major traffic problem.

Cllr Sear contradicted him and said that they hadn't.

Who is telling the truth? And can the 'Daft Dinger' not see that when a local councillor and a prospective MP from the same party, in the same region, contradict each other on a matter of fact, that it is a matter of importance to those whom they are asking to support them?

"Unlike John Whitelegg and the Greens, New Labour is in government so their cheating and hypocrisy matters... stop worrying about John Whitelegg...." says Dinger.

The clear implication being that if you're not in government then cheating and hypocrisy doesn't matter.

Surely this cannot be the official line of the Green Party, can it?

With friends like that defending him the absent minded professor and his party don't need enemies!

When it comes to the recent record of the Labour Party, I am not uncritical.

Nor, thank God, am I as blinkered as the local Greens seem to be.

I believe that Byers should go.

I believe that he will go, sooner rather than later.

On the other hand, the introduction of the minimum income guarantee and the minimum wage has helped countless thousands of people, as has the winter fuel allowance.

As a final example of cretinous 'thoughts' from 'Daft Dinger', I draw the attention of readers to the content of both his letters.

In the first one he advocates 'sponsorship' as the answer to Morecambe's traffic problems.

In other words, the privatisation of the road system.

In the second one he scolds New Labour for - yes, you' ve guessed it - privatisation.

A little tip for you, Barry.

Try to remember what you write from week to week.

If you can do that you will, unfortunately, rob many of us of a good laugh but you perhaps will not embarrass your friends quite so much.

Ray Hill Lancaster