A COUPLE who buy and sell Beanie Babies on the internet had the shock of their lives when they discovered their latest client lived next door.

Esther Gradwell and John Milton moved into Lina Street, Accrington, in January and because of their young baby and work commitments had only said hello to their new neighbours in passing.

But that soon changed with the sale of a Maple Beanie Baby from Canada.

Esther, 27, full time mum to 14-month-old Jade, began collecting the squashy toys three years ago and now has around 60.

A couple of months ago she discovered eBay, the world's largest on-line marketplace -- which has around 10million items for sale at any one time -- and began trading.

More than 42million people use eBay worldwide and Esther has sold Beanie Babies throughout the UK and America. It can take several weeks to complete a deal because of shipping and postage.

But the recent sale took just half an hour, including a 20 minute chat and cup of coffee.

Esther, who was brought up in Blackburn but has lived in Clacton for the past three years, said: "As soon as the auction for the Maple bear was over we sent an e-mail to the successful bidder, asking for his address. When we got the one next door we thought someone was pulling our leg. I still didn't believe it until they knocked on the door five minutes later to pay for the bear in person."

John, 36, a window frame maker for a Preston company, said: "We had never made any real contact with them before the auction and were gob smacked to say the least.

"We were all totally amazed at the odds of this happening and wondered if it could be a record for a completed sale on eBay.

"I have told everyone I know and still find it hard to believe myself as it seems to be just too far fetched."

The buyers of the bear -- Michael and Patricia Crook -- were also amazed at the coincidence when they bought the £10 bear for daughter Charlotte, 13 who has a collection of more than 250.

The couple, who also have a son Damien, 16, even added to Charlotte'scollection the same day when they spotted another much sought after bear in their neighbours' home.

Michael, 40, said: "I just couldn't believe it. We had seem them a couple of times since they moved in and said hello but didn't even know their names. Now we have new friends and two new Beanies."

A spokesperson for eBay said: "With more than 42 million eBay users worldwide, you have to admit this is a coincidence.

"With a community this large, eBay relies on members to be neighbourly to one another, ensuring everyone can trade in a happy, safe environment."