A YOUNG dad who attacked a man after a dispute over paternity of his girlfriend's child, has walked free from court.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Alex Bell's victim Adam Foster was a friend of a man named Stephen Catterall who denied he was the father of the youngster.

Bell, 24, was said to have punched Mr Foster a number of times in the face and held him in a headlock in the fracas at the Rhythm Station nightclub in Rawtenstall.

The defendant, of Haslingden Old Road, Rawtenstall, father of a four-year-old child, was given 150 hours community punishment and must pay £250 compensation and £250 costs. He had admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

Sentencing him, Judge David Pirie said the assault was yet another incident of late night violence and people involved in such cases normally lost their liberty.

He added he was not going to send Bell to prison as no kicking or weapon was involved, there was a background to what happened and others were dependent on the defendant.

John 0'Shea, prosecuting, said the offence took place in the early hours last September when Mr Foster was standing by the exit at the club.

Words were exchanged between he and Mr Bell who had earlier been assaulted and made a statement. There was a connection between Foster and the person alleged to have been responsible.

Mr Foster was punched a number of times, held in a headlock and suffered bruising. Bell was later arrested. The defendant said he had had about 10 pints of lager. John Chaplin, defending, said there was a paternity dispute between Bell's girlfriend Joanne Taylor and Mr Catterall, a friend of Mr Foster. Mr Catterall denied paternity.

Mr Chaplin added the defendant felt remorse for what he did.