A COLD, east wind blew away Nelson's chances of a third consecutive home win in the NWCL Division Two.

The wind combined with a bone hard playing surface to make control difficult and at times turned the game into a lottery.

Nelson started brightly enough but Leek took the lead with their first attack after only six minutes. Tim Tweats stole in behind the Nelson defence to meet a high cross and headed into the roof of the net past a helpless Steve Petty in goal.

Nelson fought hard to get back on level terms with a Mark Smith header and a Carl Howarth shot but Leek were quick to use the advantage of the wind and a 40 yard shot hit the top of the Nelson crossbar after 19 minutes.

It was a temporary reprieve though as just five minutes later Leek's Matt Sheldon made a good solo run into the home penalty area and finished with a low shot past Petty.

A good build up by the Blues after 38 minutes almost pulled a goal back but when Carl Howath chipped the ball over the Leek keeper it came back off the crossbar and Martin McClellon then blasted high and wide from six yards out.

With the wind at their backs in the second half, the Blues did most of the attacking but the Leek defence put up stern resistance and restricted Nelson to long range efforts.

Kieran Roberts almost found the net with a 20 yard shot after 66 minutes which was deflected wide while Lee Coldridge blasted over soon after.

Carl Howarth made a good run, past three defenders and into the area but there was no one to get on the end of his cross on 74 minutes.

Dave Leigh tested the keeper with a 30 yard free kick but it wasn't Nelson's day.