ALL four of my children went to St Paul's School in Ramsbottom and two are still there.

It isn't just a school, it is a family unit where the children and staff form a close, happy bond. Qualities were being taught here that do not appear on any curriculum.

The Scrutiny Panel, were very surprised at how large and airy the classrooms are, not to mention the excellent resources available.

I didn't place my children at St Paul's so they could be battery fed in readiness for SATs, with the rest of the curriculum taught after May! I wanted them to have a comprehensive education every week, not arts and crafts and PE being perceived as a reward for good SATs results.

The education authority's reasons for closure of St Paul's are based on totally inaccurate, misinformed and mis-projected figures. This was obvious to the Scrutiny Panel who voted unanimously to refer back to the Executive!

This was St Paul's first victory. I look forward to the final victory when my children will be running to school in September, 2002, with a smile on their faces!

The LEA knows it is wrong. The Focus Group of St Paul's has shown that the LEA are wrong. The Scrutiny Panel unanimously have shown that the LEA are wrong. Leave our children alone.

IRENE TODD, Bolton Street, Ramsbottom.