A YOUNG couple claim they are being forced out of their home after a catalogue of problems with a housing association.

The newly-engaged couple, Rupa Logan and Cheryl Shaw, moved into their flat in Oak Lane, Whitefield, last March.

But they say when Rivers Housing Association informed them of a 12-week renovation project, little did they realise the work would still be going on more than 12 months later.

Mr Logan (24) said: "This has made us not want to live here. We thought we would settle here. We have recently got engaged and now we are seriously looking for somewhere else to live. It has made us both ill. I have had depression and my work is suffering."

His fiancee, Cheryl, (28) said the kitchen was demolished last year to make way for a new one and the house was re-wired.

She added: "The place was left in a right mess. We were left without cooking facilities and dust and debris were all over the place. Food was ruined, my curtains ripped and engagement presents spoiled. We were living in a building site."

Plastering work had to be re-done and more household items were ruined, causing the couple to withhold their rent for period of time.

After being threatened with eviction the pair sought advice from their MP Ivan Lewis and legal proceedings were dropped.

Rent payments were started up again and the work seemed to be coming to an end around Christmas time.

However, workmen have left the property unlocked while the couple were at work on two occasions and while minor alterations were being carried out further damage has been done to their property.

"I have given them the benefit of the doubt for the past 13 months but I am tired," said Cheryl. "Just recently we have been left with damaged laminated flooring, a broken window and no toilet seat. We won't leave a key with them now after they left the door unlocked and the keys were pushed through the letter box. All we ever wanted was to set up our first home together and after a year we are still not settled comfortably."

A spokesman for Rivers said he sympathised with the tenants and confirmed that some allegations made by them were in the hands of the contractors, Bramall Construction.

He added: "The tenants on this particular block have endured more disruption than others and I do sympathise with them. But at the moment we are at an en passe and I would urge them to get in touch so we can carry out a final inspection of the property. The purpose of the £21 million refurbishments is to provide a sustainable future for our tenants and make the estate a pleasant place to live."