WELL and truly up to the mark! That's five schools which have crossed the finishing line and been awarded Sportsmark.

The award has been presented by Sport England, the country's leading sports development agency, to reward schools which demonstrate a commitment to PE and sport and which work in partnership with their local community to provide a range of out-of-school hours activities.

The five successful schools are Elton High in Bury, Philips High and Elms Bank High, both Whitefield, Castlebrook High, Unsworth and Radcliffe High.

They are among 70 schools throughout the North West and 507 nationwide which have been awarded Sportsmark.

Sheldon Phillips, regional director of Sport England in the North West, said: "We are proud that our schools in the region are continuing to achieve such high standards."

Mr Chris Trees, head of Philips High, said this was the second year running his school had been awarded the sports mark, along with Castlebrook and Elton.

He said Radcliffe and Elms Bank had achieved it for the first time.

He said: "I am delighted we have attained it again as it recognises the quality of sports provision in our school.

"But I am particularly delighted that four other schools in Bury have got it as only around 400 schools in the country receive the accolade every year."