GRANDMOTHER Olive Keeley is boy band Westlife's biggest the age of 82!

And her dream came true when she finally saw her idols in the flesh.

Olive, of Elm Avenue, Radcliffe, not only had VIP seats at the Irish group's MEN arena concert, but also got to meet the boys beforehand!

The unforgettable experience had come about thanks to her daughter, Josie.

"She lives in Corfu and she got talking to the man who designs Westlife's's stage sets," said Olive who is pictured with her Westlife posters and CDs.

"She told him all about me being a fan of the group and he sorted it all out for me. I'm so happy."

Olive first became a fan when she heard I Have A Dream, one of the group's early hits, on the radio.

"My husband, Joe, went all over the place tracking it down for me. When he died I had it played at his funeral."

Since then Olive has bought every CD and video that Westlife have released, and she even has posters of them up in her living room.

"My friends think I'm crackers, but I don't care. Westlife keep me going."