A TEENAGE barman is back at home with his parents after being badly injured in a horrific head-on smash.

Nick Hedge, 19, of Rosehill Road, Burnley, was kept in intensive care for three days after the collision.

Nick, who works at his family's town centre bar, Paradise Island in Bull Street, was a back seat passenger in a Ford Fiesta, with his seatbelt on, when it collided with another car two weeks ago.

The apprentice joiner and three fellow workers were on their way home on the A65 near Skipton, after finishing work in Ilkley for Barnfield Construction.

Work tools in the boot jolted forward during the smash and crushed Nick's back. He suffered severe abdominal injuries.

He was allowed home from hospital on Sunday under strict orders that he had to take it easy, but that won't be a problem for Nick as he has the World Cup to look forward to.

Nick's mum, Carol Hedge, of Rosehill Road, said: "It is wonderful to have him home, because just two weeks ago we were left facing the prospect that he might never be able to come home.

"He was visited by the district nurse last night who told him that he has to take it easy if he wants to make a full recovery, so we are just concentrating on making sure that Nick relaxes and doesn't try to do too much too soon.

"It is now the beginning of a long process for Nick because he has lost a lot of weight and can hardly walk at the moment because he is so weak.

"He has just started a career as a joiner and we are crossing our fingers that he will make a full recovery and be able to return to work, but that is a long way away and we have to concentrate on what is important and get him better first."