PARTNERSHIP is the foundation for future success as Leigh Education Action Zone looks ahead to the final frontier.

The Zone mission will be completed at the end of 2003 when the 26 schools under its educational umbrella will be transformed into an Excellence Cluster -- with a core belief Excellence for All.

Leigh EAZ project director Alan Dutton explained: "All schools within the Cluster will be encouraged to have high expectations of every individual pupil - and all young people will be encouraged to have high expectations of themselves.

"The Cluster will seek to meet the needs and aspirations of all young people, whatever their gifts and talents, and to systematically remove the barriers to their learning, whether inside or outside school."

The Cluster will build on the existing strength of Leigh EAZ - which now boasts a new 'Village of Schools' logo to encompass the partnership theme.

Mr Dutton added: "Our belief is schools working together can achieve more for pupils, parents and communities than schools working in isolation.

"By working together with partner schools, by sharing good practice and specialist opportunities, each school within our Village of Schools can help to enhance performance.

"Each pupil should see himself or herself as a member not just of a specific school community but of a wider learning community committed to his or her success.

"The Cluster programme is intended to bring success to every school. The purpose is to make Excellence for All a reality rather than just a slogan."