RADCLIFFE'S proposed £6 million marketmuseum is another step closer to becoming a reality.

Following talks with Tony Trehy, Bury's principal arts officer, the Arts Council of England are said to be "very excited" about the ground-breaking project.

"I gave them a full briefing about our aims and was met with a very positive reaction," said Mr Trehy.

"It was a most productive session and looks like it could be promising as the Arts Council have awarded similar schemes £3.5 million."

There is also a strong possibility that the marketmuseum may receive a grant of around £1.5 million from the Regional Development Agency.

A brief has been prepared for a feasibility study looking at how the marketmuseum would be run.

This has gone out to three different consultants and one will be appointed to take the helm later this month.

Mr Trehy said: "People thought The Lowry would be too ambitious and would become a white elephant, but the doubters have been proved wrong.

"I believe the same could apply to Radcliffe's marketmuseum."