GET a bird's eye view of a family of feathered friends this month as part of Wake Up To Birds Week (May 25-31).

Earlier this year volunteers carefully positioned a small video camera inside a nestbox and pictures were beamed back to the Ribble Discovery Centre at Fairhaven Lake, Ansdell. They then waited patiently until a pair of adult blue tits took up residence in late March.

Since then visitors and staff alike have been eagerly watching the TV screen inside the centre, waiting with bated breath as first the eggs were laid and then they began to hatch on May 11. Now 11 hungry young are being fed by their busy parents.

The RSPB hopes the finale of the birds leaving the nest to make their way in the world will be the highlight of this year's Wake Up To Birds Week.

Ribble Discovery Centre manager Ruth Fraser said: "It has been like watching a soap opera unfold as first the parent birds set up home, then the female laid the eggs and finally -- the best moment so far -- when the chicks hatched."