TWO years ago I wrote to the Bury Times expressing my dismay that St Paul's school in Ramsbottom had gone into Special Measures.

I was concerned that, in trying to satisfy the inspectors, the school may lose sight of the features that made me choose it in the first place. I was also aware that very few schools come out of Special Measures with the same head teacher and I did not want the school to lose Mrs Chamberlain.

I am now writing to thank all the people who made sure my fears were not realised.

First, the staff under the excellent leadership of the head and deputy, Mrs Chamberlain and Mr James, who have worked so hard to satisfy the inspectors and maintain the high standards of the school. Also the LEA for putting in money and practical support, giving the school a more up-to-date appearance, with new furniture and resources.

The parents stood by their initial judgement of the school and stayed with it through the hard times and, last but not least, thanks to the children who have constantly been praised for their behaviour and their commitment to their work.

The school is still the friendly, welcoming community it always has been and children continue to enjoy a broad curriculum and a variety of extra curricular activities.

We now face another challenge with the proposed closure of the school, but once again parents are standing firm. By staying with the school we are ensuring that our children have at least one more year at the school we have chosen and, hopefully, the schools organisation committee will judge the case on the facts, as the scrutiny panel did, and turn down this proposal.

If the worst happens, and the school is closed, our children are guaranteed a place at St Andrew's which is also an excellent school and where staff and parents have repeatedly assured us that our children will be made welcome.

Once again, a heartfelt "thank-you" to everyone who has made the early years of my daughter's school life such happy ones.


Bank Street, Shuttleworth.