POLICE are attempting to trace an elderly woman who suffered a brutal attempted robbery in Morecambe on Saturday.

The woman was loading a car, parked on Morecambe Road at 11.45am when a man attempted to take the shopping bags from her.

She resisted and was violently thrown to the ground between two cars and the robber made another attempt to take the bags before running off.

A Morecambe man has been arrested and charged with attempted robbery in relation to the incident.

However, the woman and an elderly man she was with had left the scene by the time police arrived, and an appeal has been made for them to come forward.

They were driving a light blue Escort type car and police believe they may have been shopping in the Arndale Centre or Morecambe town centre.

Det Cons Gareth Cole said: "Our appeal is for this lady to come forward and contact us at Lancaster police station.

"We are very concerned for her and we believe because of the violence that was shown to her she will be injured.

"She may have been a visitor to the town.

If there are friends or relatives who are aware of this incident we would also ask them to contact us."

Police have also asked for another man who helped the lady to come forward.

He was in a large silver car, which was parked behind the aggrieved.

Det Cons Cole can be contacted on 01524 596771.