A BLOCK paver who drove home instead of getting a cab after a party has paid the price with a two-year ban.

Burnley Magistrates heard how learner driver Gary Wimbles, 28, was more than twice the limit when police stopped him in the early hours in Colne.

The defendant, of Granville Street, Colne, admitted driving with excess alcohol, using an uninsured vehicle and not having insurance. He was fined £200 with £55 costs.

Tom Snape, prosecuting, said police on duty in North Valley Road, Colne, saw the defendant come off a roundabout and swerve.

His car had a defective front headlight and officers decided to stop him. Wimbles was asked to step out of the vehicle and when he was spoken to, police noticed he smelled of drink.

His eyes were glazed, a breath test proved positive and the defendant was arrested and taken to the police station.

Wimbles gave two specimens of breath and the lower of two readings showed 86 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 mililitres of breath - the legal limit is 35. He did not have a full driving licence and was not insured.

Trevor Grice, defending, said Wimbles stopped for the police voluntarily when he knew he was being followed.

He was unlikely to come into contact with other road users or pedestrians at the time of the morning.

The defendant had bought the car for £50 intending to do it up, the seller had had a party and Wimbles had decided to leave after problems started.

He made positive steps to try and get a taxi but could not get one and because of that took the car which was parked outside.

Mr Grice said Wimbles made a decision he would regret for some time and would not now be able to drive to work.

The solicitor added: " When the beer is in, common sense goes out."