A WORLD expert in aqua tai-chi is to host a weekend workshop at Waddow Hall, Clitheroe, on September 21 and 22.

Tai-chi master Peter Chin Kean Choy, author of two successful books, has been invited to the area by local tai-chi enthusiasts.

Workshop organiser Wendy Douglas said: "This is a wonderful opportunity for beginner and advanced students of tai-chi to experience the health-giving effects of this ancient art. The workshop will include private swimming pool sessions to emphasise the fluid and stress-relieving movements of tai-chi.

"It's a real privilege to welcome Choy to Lancashire. He is such a wonderfully inspiring teacher and this will be the first time that aqua tai-chi has come to the north of England."

Peter Chin Kean Choy studied tai-chi in Malaysia and combined his experience with other Taoist principles to begin his own teaching.

He practises in Devon, where he runs the Rainbow Tai Chi Kung Centre and offers the only aqua tai-chi classes in the world.

Tai-chi is a series of slow, gliding movements that loosen up the joints and improve energy flow, promoting health and well-being.

To find out more or book a place contact Wendy Douglas on 01254 823834 or David Ellis on 01756 753188.