I WAS rather surprised to read the 'Battle on reforms' article (LET, June 25).

At present, there is no alternative to the Government's licensing plans and I think that it is a step in the right direction. Surely, it will be easier to receive access to late or early drinking by working with the council, as stubborn as they may be, than to have government laws blocking the way!

Your report claimed that live musicians could also be banned from pubs except for those with a specific entertainments licence.

Do you never go out? Musicians are already banned from pubs unless they are completely acoustic. I would like to know where all these singers are that don't use any backing tapes!

Finally, Neil Murphy states that local councils are more in touch with local communities than magistrates in Burnley.

Well, over-zealous Councillor Maureen Bateman, of Blackburn, and her 'fob-off' merchants must be laughing on the other side of their faces.

G WARD (Mr), Elswick Street, Darwen.