THE details of key decisions about to be taken by Hyndburn Borough Council are to be made available to the public.

Under the council's new political management system, details will be set out in a forward plan published every month.

Key decisions are those which require significant expenditure or where the outcome will have a significant impact on communities in two or more wards.

Each plan will include a forecast of key decisions that are likely to be made over the following four months. These could include planning application decisions, road works and neighbourhood renewal applications. There will also be a list of the available documents which relate to each key decision.

Dan Sherry, council deputy chief executive said: "The forward plan ensures that Hyndburn residents have the chance to see key decision items and reinforces the openness and accountability of the council." If any additional documents are prepared as the month progresses they will be included with the forward plan as they become available. Details of any urgent decisions to be taken which are not in the Forward Plan will be available three clear days before any action is taken.

The forward plan will be made available for public inspection at Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington between 9am and 5pm from Monday until Friday.

Copies of any public documents listed in the forward plan or information regarding further reports submitted to the relevant decision-maker or forum can be obtained by contacting Member Services at Scaitcliffe House or by calling 01254 380109.

Each forward plan will come into effect on the first working day of the month, and will be published 14 days before this date.

Forward plans relating to July are already available for inspection.

Those for August will become available from July 18.