DARWEN Access Point became one of around 20 UK online projects in East Lancashire yesterday when it logged on computers for the public access.

Hundreds of people in the area will now have access to 18 new computers thanks to the project in Duckworth Street.

Home Secretary David Blunkett pushed the scheme forward in March, making extra funds available through the New Opportunities Fund.

And now Blackburn with Darwen Council, Blackburn College and East Lancashire Learning Partnership have joined forces to wire up the facilities worth more than £55,000.

Meryl Jolley, co-ordinator for the college, said: "Thanks to this new project people will be able to come and go as they please and get a start on the Internet and using the facilities."

And the organisers hope to promote basic skill courses and certificates in the future for those terrified of computers.

"We all have separate targets and with this falling in the Sudell Ward, which is one of the more deprived areas, we are hoping to encourage everyone including young parents, elderly, ethnic minority and disabled people."

The centre is open from 9-7pm Monday to Thursday and on Friday from 9-5pm. For more information contact 01254 707551.