SPY cameras have been installed in the men's changing rooms at Castle Leisure Centre.

A spate of thefts from lockers has prompted bosses to bring in CCTV, which should be operational within the month.

They assure sportsmen that the cameras will be trained on the lockers, and not film people who are changing.

Mr Graham Atkinson, borough leisure services officer, said barriers would be put in front of the lockers, and the benches moved further away.

Although cameras are now in position, they will not start working until the barriers are up, and there will be signs telling people about the CCTV.

"We've tried to be very sensitive about this and not rush into anything," he said. "It's a balance: this way, we feel we are giving greater protection to people's belongings but not compromising anyone's privacy."

He said that images would be recorded all the time, but no-one would be constantly monitoring them on a screen and they would be looked at only following a complaint of theft.

He said cameras would not be installed in the women's changing rooms because they did not have the same problems of theft.