HAVING followed the saga of Kalimba and the Morecambe festivals, widely reported in the local press and argued over ad nauseam in the letters pages, I was of the opinion that the subject had been fully covered, including the cost of the affair.

However, the decision taken in cabinet not to pursue a course of legal action and not to discuss the matter further in the public domain, appears to have produced a reaction from certain quarters.

Amongst the voices raised were members of the Labour group, who themselves have so many skeletons in their cupboard, from their previous incarnations, that by now it must be quite difficult to close the door,

Was it not Cllr Ian Barker and the rest of the inner sanctum of the then Labour administration had total control and the decisions was theirs and theirs alone?

The difference this time is that under the cabinet system imposed upon this council in which no one group has overall control, the seats are allocated to all groups in democratic proportion.

These positions were taken up by all but one group, the exception being Labour.

By their lack of cabinet involvement they deny themselves a part in the decision making process.

They therefore do not fully represent the people who elected them in our local democracy, but choose instead to criticise the efforts of others from the sidelines in the local press.

It is time for a level playing field in our local affairs.

I suggest that it is high time that Cllr Barker and his team recover their bat from the dark recess into which they threw it in a fit of pique after the last election and join in the democratic process instead of sulking in the corner and start to fully represent the voters who elected them.

T N Johnston, Halton Road, Lancaster.