REGARDING the proposed "Asian gateway," for Blackburn (LET, September 11) I have supported and congratulation the councils executive on the regeneration of the town centre.

I believe that the regeneration so far and that being proposed has been and will be of benefit to the town both culturally and economically.

Therefore, I think that the idea of creating an area of restaurants to attract people into the town is a very good one. However, I think that the proposed location is wrong.

I would suggest that such a scheme would be better in the corridor between Blackburn and Darwen, on the South side of the town.

There are already Indian restaurants, with an excellent reputation situated there. These would provide an excellent foundation which could be added to with establishments that would cater for international cuisine, such as Mexican, French, Chinese, Greek, English, and, of course, Italian.

Restaurants of this type, interspersed with continental-type bars would attract custom from outside the borough. Am ambitious plan such as the one being proposed needs diversity to succeed. It needs to show the extent and variety of the town's cultural mix and be truly representative.

Many people would not travel to an area that specialises merely in curry. And this type of food is already very well catered for within the town. More choice would surely equate to more business and would better serve the needs of both the people of the borough and potential visitors.

It would also send a clear message to other areas of the true multi-culture and diversity of the town.

Another benefit of my proposals is that it would see massive, much-needed, investment in Darwen itself, which in turn would strengthen the bond within the borough, and silence some of the criticisms that Darwen is Blackburn's poor relations in terms of investment and regeneration.

ANDREW MAHON, Brandy House Brow, Blackburn.