THE Government pay unemployed people under 25, £42.70 a week, which is £10 less than people who are 25. It is not acceptable to discriminate on grounds of sex or race. Why do the Government feel it is reasonable to discriminate on the grounds of age?

The Benefits Agency now insists on visiting unemployed people in their homes, which is to check they live in that abode.

They do this even if you are a housing association tenant and have provided them with a copy of your tenancy agreement.

This is a pointless waste of public money.

Unemployed people are forced to go on training schemes but no information about the training available is provided.

It is "one size fits all" for the unemployed and the Government shows no flexibility.

Firefighters risk their lives and should expect a living wage. Some footballers earn £70,000 a week and the Government refuses to tax them more.

The Government could pay public sector workers more, but there is not the political will to do so.

MICK BEATY, Holt Farm Close, Holt Park, Leeds.

THE Government pay unemployed people under 25, £42.70 a week, which is £10 less than people who are 25. It is not acceptable to discriminate on grounds of sex or race. Why do the Government feel it is reasonable to discriminate on the grounds of age?

The Benefits Agency now insists on visiting unemployed people in their homes, which is to check they live in that abode. They do this even if you are a housing association tenant and have provided them with a copy of your tenancy agreement.

This is a pointless waste of public money.

Unemployed people are forced to go on training schemes but no information about the training available is provided. It is "one size fits all" for the unemployed and the Government shows no flexibility.

Firefighters risk their lives and should expect a living wage. Some footballers earn £70,000 a week and the Government refuses to tax them more.

The Government could pay public sector workers more, but there is not the political will to do so.

MICK BEATY, Holt Farm Close, Holt Park, Leeds.