ANOTHER clever thriller that quickly turns into your run of the mill love story.

It revolves around a desperate Arjun (Askhay) who learns his mother is sick. In order to get the medicine required for his beloved mother Arjun must find Tina (Kareena) a lady he met once on his many travels. Soon enough he finds himself among the seedy underworld of South Africa where the race against time really hots up.

As thriller go Talaash is surprisingly entertaining. The tension and the action give a certain edge to the movie. But it's the teaming up of Akshay and Kareena that lets the film down. Akshay always looks good as the forelone hero in a battle of survival....Kareena on the other hand ain't so posh.

By the way the movie was meant to be out early this month but the release has already been postponed so as not to clash with Kaante.