SCHOOL MESSAGE: The ethos of the school is built on the basis that all governors, staff, pupils and parents should be proud of their school as being a place of all round excellence.

Relationships with parents and the community are good and support for the school is excellent with all parent evenings and school events very well attended.

Despite all that has happened in education over this past decade, the high morale of the staff of Avondale School has never wavered. The dedication of the staff towards the pupils, and indeed the support of each other plays a large part in the happy atmosphere.

HISTORY LESSON: Avondale Primary School came into existence in 1966 with several smaller Darwen primary schools amalgamating into the one building in Durham Road. This building, previously known as Avondale Secondary School for Girls, became available due to the transfer of all secondary pupils to the newly established secondary school, later to be known as Moorland High School.

TO BE PROUD OF: The school is in the top quarter of all schools in the country for achievement. Behaviour and sporting excellence are also high priorities. Teams from Avondale have competed in national finals for swimming and football. The establishment of a computer suite and subsequent appointment of an ICT technician has enabled significant progress to be made in the ICT curriculum provision for the pupils. Improvement will continue with inter-active whiteboards and internet facility for each classroom, being just some of the features to be added soon. A large number of after-school activities take place. Clubs currently operating include computer, choir, craft, dance, gymnastics, fun and fitness, recorders, cross-country and swimming. These are all in addition to the usual inter-school sport competitions.

What Would You Do With a £100,000 Windfall? Such a windfall would enable the school to equip every classroom with an inter-active white board and work towards a wish list of a laptop for every pupil.