IN response to "Good home a must for soccer field" (Letters, December 6), regarding the proposed site of the new Darwen Health Centre.

How far off the mark can you get, Dave Smith? The councillor is reported to have said: "We have to make sure that residents get a good deal with relocation of the football pitch. It is very well used and we need to see it moved before they start on the health centre. There needs to be a better facility for the pitch."

Dave is quite right in giving his support to these residents, but I would have thought that his support would have been better channelled supporting the majority of people who do not want the new health centre to be located at the side of the Leisure Centre.

His support is being given to a lot of very healthy young people whereas the ones that need his and all the other Darwen town councillors support is for fighting against the new proposed relocation position.

Do these councillors not understand that the people of Darwen do want a new centre but it must be in the right place?

The reason should be obvious, when you're ill, or you have to push your partner up a hill, or you are a young mother with perhaps a pram and have other young children to supervise whilst you are pushing a pram up the hill it would be very hard work if not impossible.

These are the people that can't fight for themselves and with respect that is what we all voted you councillors in for, to do just that. So stop waving the white flag before the fight has started, get all Darwen councillors together irrespective of their political views and get this new health centre put in a position that is accessible to the population of Darwen.

I would suggest to all Darwen's councillors that they speak to their parents, and people in their wards to find out the views of people that elected them.

ROY DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.