THREE of Hyndburn's leading councillors are still waiting to hear whether they will be investigated by a national standards body over their handling of a controversial planning application.

Council leader Ian Ormerod, deputy leader Jean Battle and opposition leader Peter Britcliffe all deny any wrongdoing in the case of the Oaklea Club.

The owners of the club, in Whalley Road, Accrington, made their complaint to the Standards Board for England, after the council's judicial committee turned down an application for an entertainments licence last month.

An appeal by the club has since been upheld by magistrates but owner Paul Humphries was unhappy with the way the committee meeting was handled.

Coun Britcliffe, the vice-chairman of the committee, said yesterday: "I chaired that panel totally impartially. I had no axe to grind and no interest. As far as I'm concerned there isn't any case to answer."

Couns Ormerod and Battle are not on the committee, but live in the Milnshaw ward, in which the club is located, and Coun Ormerod represents the ward.

At the meeting he spoke on behalf of constituents who were objecting to the application, which split the community, with 92 people signing a petition in support, and 27 people signing copies of a letter of objection.

Last week Coun Ormerod was admitted to hospital after suffering a minor stroke.

He was said to be "very well" in Blackburn Royal Infirmary.

Coun Battle said: "We will just have to wait and see what happens."

Mr Humphries said: "Our lawyers are looking into a range of options that we may pursue should the standards board decide not to investigate."

The SBE, an independent body that investigates claims of misconduct by councillors, usually aims to make a decision on whether to investigate claims any further within 15 working days. That deadline runs out on Friday .