WHO is this Bishop of Blackburn who does not know what is going on in his church? He states (LET, December 26) that the Pavilions buildings in Church Street, Blackburn, are not suitable for a high-class restaurant.

His church bought them for a large sum and spent the same amount on plans to turn them into a high-class restaurant and even got a sponsor to take them on. Then they backed out of the scheme and sold them back to the local authority.

Now he wants them turning into a drop-in centre for drug users and alcoholics.

Who was it who complained about the winos on the Boulevard and said they were not good for the image of the Cathedral?

I suggest he sticks to doing what he is good at -- sitting in the House of Lords.

Or, better still, do what Father Jim McCartney at St Anne's has done and work with those people, open up the crypt for them, run a soup kitchen and treat them with respect.

RON O'KEEFFE ( Snr), East Park Road, Blackburn.