I AM staggered by some of the crazy decisions taken by the people who administer justice in this country. Lord Chief Justice Woolf has now said that thieves and robbers must no longer go to jail.

What sort of confidence does this instil in every law-abiding citizen in this country, when the law serves to protect the criminals and not the victims?

The Labour government promised to be tough on crime and in Jack Straw's Blackburn constituency violent crime in the town centre has increased by 61 per cent, while the Labour group on the council has promised to reduce this figure by 20 per cent. Very good of them, really, so we will have an increase of 41 per cent instead (fantastic).

This town has three wards with burglary rates of more than twice the national average and these criminals will probably now not go to prison for their crimes.

COUNCILLOR PAUL McGURTY (Conservative, Corporation Park Ward), Wharfdale Close, Feniscowles, Blackburn.