I read with interest the letter from Cllr Emily Heath regarding the new car park on County College field at Lancaster University.

I wish to reply to a few of the points raised.

First, as one of the motorists who travels through Scotforth on my way to work at the university each day, I would like to point out that it is not the fault of motorists if the County Council cannot get its act together and build the Western Bypass, (due in no small mea-sure to opposition from the Green Party).

If the bypass were to be built, then I am sure Cllr Heath would notice an improvement as the through traffic from Morecambe and Heysham would be diverted away.

On the subject of cars travelling with only one occupant, I would point out that a five seater car carrying one occupant is 20 per cent full.

Few buses are that full - indeed some carrying two or three passengers are not even 10 per cent full.

I am, of course, only talking about the buses in service, not the large number of out of ser-vice buses which 'rat run' up and down the road on their way to and from their depots.

So it is not only cars that have a monopoly on fumes, danger and noise.

With regard to people travelling short dis-tances in their cars, Cllr Heath would be better off taking the matter up with her constituents in Scotforth West who drive to work at the university rather than criticising motorists from Morecambe and Heysham.

Finally, the reason the new car park on County College field at Lancaster University has been built is because of the fact that the campus is now completely full during term time.

This has been made worse by the decision to allow first year students to bring cars onto campus.

However as some students will have travelled hundreds of miles from their homes, it is not unreasonable for them to expect somewhere to park.

Many people especially those arriving late for whatever reason, have been forced to park on the grass.

This is not acceptable when one pays for the privilege of parking.

Perhaps Cllr Heath would like to explain how it ' costs the University £2 a day to provide each space'.

The cost of materials used in building the car park should be more than covered by the sum raised over several years in parking permit charges.

Or, is it the case that the money raised has been spent on other things?

David Uphill,

Stanley Road,
