TWO acclaimed, prize-winning fiction writers are giving a reading of their work at the St Peter's Arts Centre, Fylde Road, Preston, on Wednesday, March 13. Bernard MacLaverty will read from The Anatomy School and Jackie Kay from Trumpet -- their latest works.

SCHOOLS from across Preston and South Ribble are teaming up for the next annual high school music extravaganza.

Ashton High, All Hallows, Bishop Rawstorne, Corpus Christi, Fulwood County, Cardinal Newman College and Hutton Grammar, are taking part in the charity event, on Saturday, March 22, at Preston Guild Hall.

Tickets are £4 to £6 on 258858.

SEVENTIES legend Bryan Ferry is appearing at the Guild Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, on Friday, March 7.

Tickets to the former Roxy Music singer/songwriter are £28.50 on 258858.

THE next production being staged at the Playhouse Theatre, Market Street West, Preston, is the Schoolhouse Group's Cemetery Club.

Tickets for the performance are £4 to £6 on 728817 or 720407.