HOSPICE fund-raisers will carry a patient's bed with advertising banners around the 26.3 miles of the Flora London Marathon course.

Abram Haulage duo Julie Humphreys and Andy Best, fencing contractor Mark Hornby and pro golfer Dave Clarke aim to raise as much as possible in Wigan and Leigh Hospice's 20th anniversary year.

If you'd like the chance of international marathon media coverage while supporting a worthy cause, contact the Hospice fund-raising department on 01942 525566.

As well as the bed quartet the hospice will benefit from the efforts of Vivienne Shrager-Powell, daughter of an eminent Wigan Infirmary doctor. Sponsorship for runners can be sent to the Hospice at Kildare Street, Hindley, WN2 3HZ. All donations will be acknowledged by return post.