ARMED robbers escaped with cash tills after raids on a newsagents and a general store.

Detectives believe the same gang is responsible for the robberies which happened within 15 minutes of each other on Saturday night (Feb 22).

The first incident happened at Stand Newsagents in Stand Lane, Radcliffe, when two men in balaclavas stormed into the shop and threatened staff with a baton before stealing the till and its contents. The raiders made off in a Volvo S70 car, registered T421 ARW.

Fifteen minutes later police attended RC Patel's store in Rectory Lane, Prestwich, after three men again threatened staff with a weapon before making off with the till from the counter.

On this occasion they escaped in a dark coloured 4-door car bearing a partial registration plate similar to the Volvo.

In both raids, none of the victims was injured but they were left distressed.

PC John Flowers, from Bury Police, said: "We believe both robberies were carried out by the same gang.

"I would like to appeal to any member of the public who witnessed either incident to contact us immediately."

It is not yet know how much money was taken.

Anyone who can help police with their inquiries is asked to contact Whitefield CID on 0161 856 8248 where detectives are investigation both raids.