DON'T look at the percentage. It's the amount you have to pay that's important.

That was Labour's message to local residents as they hit them with a huge council tax rise of 11.7 per cent.

The hike, as predicted by the Bury Times last week, is the largest imposed in the borough since the council tax began ten years ago.

Bills for people living in Band A houses will rise by around £75 to £722, and by £113 to £1,083 for Band D homes..

Councillor Wayne Campbell, executive member for resource, told Wednesday's (Feb 26) council meeting that Bury's council tax would still be the second lowest in Greater Manchester.

"Percentages are not relevant," he said. "People should be looking at how much it is, in pounds, shillings and pence, in relation to authorities elsewhere."

He blamed factors outside the council's control for most of the increase. Of the 11.7 per cent, some 3.2 per cent is to pay for increased police and fire brigade costs. Another 3.8 per cent is to meet increased insurance costs, which have tripled to £4.5 million. A further one per cent is for waste disposal and transport levies, leaving just 3.7 per cent for Bury's own services.

But Tory leader Coun David Higgin said: "It's the same every year, when the ruling group hit the people of the borough for six. You cannot put a good spin on the ability of council tax payers to pay. I think people will find it extremely difficult."

His colleague, Coun Yvonne Creswell, added: "You say we should not look at percentage increases, but surely the people out there will look at this 11.7 per cent rise against the increases in salaries they have had this year. It's one heck of an increase."

However, the Tories did not propose an alternative budget. The Lib Dems put forward proposals, including the need for more savings, which would have kept the increase down to 10.4 per cent, but these were defeated.

What you will pay (last year's figures in brackets)

Band A...£722.39 (£646.73)

Band B...£842.79 (£754.52)

Band C...£963.19 (£862.30)

Band D...£1,083.59 (£970.09)

Band E...£1,324.39 (£1,185.66)

Band F...£1,565.18 (£1,401.24)

Band G...£1,805.98 (£1,616.82)

Band H...£2,167.18 (£1,940.18)