I AM astonished that Paul Dunn, vice chairman of the Greenhill Residents Association, in Great Harwood, is appealing for more speed humps in the area (LET, February 20).

I think he should visit an optician, for on his way back, he would then be able to see that humps are already in place on Belmont Road, Edge End Road and Delph Road. Large parts of the rest of the surrounding roads have reverse humps -- holes in the tarmac -- following years of under-investment in the area by Lancashire County Council and its agent, Hyndburn Council.

More seriously, I would draw Paul's attention and perhaps that of Ian Bell, of the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety, to the comments of Sigurd Reinton, chairman of the London Ambulance Service, who said: "For every life saved through traffic calming, more are lost because of ambulance delays."

Measures such as road humps, road narrowings and build-outs -- which are supposed to improve road safety -- are actually costing many more lives than they save.

Up to 800 victims of cardiac arrest die in London for every minute of delay caused -- compared with a total of 300 who died in traffic accidents each year.

When I have my heart attack, I would prefer to have fewer, rather than more, humps in the path of the ambulance.

Dump the hump, Paul -- it may be your heart attack next.

JOHN DUCKWORTH, Bostons, Great Harwood.