BICKERING and backstabbing within local politics has spurred on two Lancastrians to launch a new group of Independents to fight for seats on the council.

The fallout over the Blobbygate row has played its part in inspiring Scotforth's Jan Pacula, pictured, to get involved in local government as he stresses the time has come to move on.

He says the new Lancaster Independent Group wants to 'do away with' party politics and get on with the job of representing local residents and addressing real issues of concern, such as traffic congestion, public disorder and litter.

Jan is also concerned that existing political parties are under pressure to toe the national party line rather than focus on the local picture.

"As Independents we will have no allegiance to anyone expect the people of Lancaster. It is time to get a group launched and move forward," he says.

"Lancaster really needs to do away with party politics at local government level."

Jan suspects the new group's arrival on the political scene will create a stir within the council chambers but he hopes it will spell the start of a 'new era' for Lancaster.

He has previously stood as an Independent candidate and says he is probably best known for his work with the local twinning society, of which he has been chairman for six years.

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He will be joined in the new group by Les Jacobs, a well-known butcher on Lancaster market.

"The Morecambe Bay Independents have been doing a very good job for Morecambe. The people of Lancaster feel it is time to have Independents in Lan-caster to redress the balance," says Jan.

Anyone interested in joining the group can contact Jan Pacula on 01524-35984.

"We want people with sound common sense, and a love of Lancaster," he says.