THE reason that all the people that I spoke to voted BNP was that they are fed up with being a second class citizen in their own country.

The people of Burnley are fed up with everything being one-sided, even the Asians who were sentenced for the riots got their sentences cut, none of the whites did.

The BNP are the only people who are not afraid to say what's wrong with our town and, no matter what anybody says, the majority of people in some of the wards are proud that the BNP are on the council or they wouldn't have voted for them.

Like it or not, I think most people voted for them because of the race issue and just because other parties say its evil etc. The people of Burnley can see past these comments and name-calling to make up their own mind.

If that's why they've been voted in then so be it, it is, after all, democratic.

I also wonder if they will win the latest council seat that was made vacant? That would bring the total to nine.

M ROBINSON, Chingford Bank, Burnley.