BURY'S new First Citizen got his mayoral year off to a bloomin' great start.

For among the first appointments for the borough's new mayor, Councillor Wilf Davison, was a look around Barnfield Park greenhouses in Hilton Lane, Prestwich, to see for himself the tens of thousands of blooms which have been grown especially for this summer.

The flowers will make up hundreds of hanging baskets and planters which will be seen right across the borough over the coming months, thanks to the support of local businesses and other organisations.

Councillor Davison, who was accompanied by the mayoress, his wife Maureen, said: "Touring the greenhouses, which are in my home town, gave me the chance not only to see the wonderful display of plants but also to meet the staff involved. It was a particular pleasure to see the thousands of flowers ready to go out and brighten up the borough."