I HOPE that now after the disgraceful actions by the Anti Nazi League on May 15 at Burnley Town Hall, the local council will finally see them for what they really are -- anti-democratic hooligans -- and clamp down on their activities in the town.

They have made it look like a slum with their fly-posting everywhere. Surely, the council has CCTV footage of this and can prosecute.

Secondly, now that they have shown their true colours, maybe the council will put a stop to them using council property to further their anti-democratic ways.

There should be no more concerts held by them at the Mechanics, which, although they call it one thing, it's really a anti-democracy, anti-BNP show, which, from speaking to friends, seem to be poorly attended any way.

I wonder how many of the protesters actually live in Burnley and know the reasons why the people of our town voted for these councillors.

ELAINE ROBINSON, Chingford Bank, Burnley.