IN reply to Councillor Dave Hollings (Letters, May 30), there is no myth about Darwen not getting its fair share of council spending compared to Blackburn.

You only need to look at the improvements that Blackburn gets and the ones Darwen needs, but can't get done because most of the money goes to Blackburn and Darwen gets the left-overs.

I still stand by what I wrote earlier about Darwen not getting a fair share.

I'm not on about two-thirds of council budget going on education and social services, but about other services where Blackburn gets more money than Darwen.

Coun Hollings has said for 'other services' it can be more difficult to find out how spending is broken down by areas, as the council simply does not budget on the basis of so much for Blackburn, so much for Darwen.

I think that the council better get things right on sharing the money out equally, or, come the next elections, they could find themselves out, or in the same position as Burnley Council.

HAMISH McLEAN (Mr), Brighton Terrace, Darwen.