Our common purpose is to create a happy, caring and co-operative environment in which each individual is valued and respected.

We aim to develop a community in which working, teaching and learning are enjoyable, purposeful and effective and where high expectations are the norm.

PRESENT PUPILS: We currently have 206 children in main school and 51 in our nursery class. The children come mainly from the Griffin Park neighbourhood, though some of our nursery children come from other areas of the town.

HISTORY LESSON: The school was opened in February 1972, when it replaced Bank Top CP and Griffin CE Schools. It was built in Griffin Park. Originally the park was the private estate of the Dugdale family who built Griffin Lodge in 1851. This imposing Victorian mansion overlooks the schools and is one of Blackburn's many listed buildings.

OUT AND ABOUT: Our children take part in many activities throughout and, as well as sport we have a flourishing art club and the children visit Blackburn Rovers for home matches, the Study Centre for courses and St Wilfrid's High School for the Crest Science scheme. A Pyramid Club has recently started after school.

SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT: We are a happy and friendly community where all respect and help each other. We are proud of the fact that incidents of theft are extremely rare. .which is a great credit to the children, staff and parents. Our children are very well behaved and usually kind and co-operative with each other.

We are proud of our links across Europe with Pernio Primary School in Finland and Elva School, Estonia.

WHAT ABOUT THE PARENTS: Our parents are very supportive and always willing to help school when needed. Our Parents in Partnership Association organises events to support the work of the school and attendance at parents' evenings is almost 100 per cent.

We organise courses for parents who want to improve their skills and Parents as Educators' courses have been held for many years.

STAR PUPILS: All our pupils are stars and shine at something. We enjoy hearing of the successes of former pupils who have gone on to take up occupations across the whole spectrum. Above all we hope they grow up to be honest, hard working and good members of the communities.Griffin Park's first head teacher, Ernest Rawcliffe, is a star achiever as he and his wife celebrate their Diamond Wedding in May. Congratulations to them both.

WHAT WOULD WE DO WITH £100,000: Give the children a day out to remember. With the rest we would improve our playground areas giving both the school and local community a resource they could enjoy.