FRIENDS of Bold Venture Park, Darwen, are celebrating a council grant to brighten up the area.

The volunteers welcomed their £2,500 community chest grant which will help buy native British woodland bulbs in place of recently removed rhododendrons.

Friends secretary Julie Manton said: "We were delighted to receive the money and as a result will be holding a series of planting sessions during the autumn where we hope to attract volunteers to the park. We want as many people as possible to get involved."

More than 50 people turned up to a natural history walk earlier in the week and the Friends are hoping for even more at a brass band concert on Sunday, August 24 at 3pm.

Julie said: "We will have the junior brass band there and they will play two half-hour sessions. There will be no charge to the public so we are hoping for a sunny day and a big turnout."

The group will also have a stall at Darwen Gala on August 16.