NORTH West Liberal-Democrat MEP Chris Davies continually pushes for full European partnership and all the benefits that come with it, but fails to mention the problems of joining the euro.

Most citizens of the Euro-zone want to return to their own currency. In Germany, The Institute for Labour Research, shows 4.7million unemployed and possibly a further 3million hidden, 41,500 businesses have gone bust, with 690,000 jobs lost.

France fares no better. It faces massive fines for not reducing its public spending to meet three per cent gross domestic product targets, with 100,000 jobs lost in past 12 months. Predicted growth in its economy is 1.1 per cent -- half that of the UK.

Price rises between 10 and 40 per cent have taken place.

It is the same in Italy. Growth predictions have been slashed from 2.3 per cent down to 1.1 per cent for 2003. Unemployment is nine per cent and rising. Private consumption is stagnant for the first time since 1994 and 39million people protested against the effects of euro.

The same is found all over the Euro-zone -- high unemployment, economies in freefall, higher prices, higher taxation, and massive cuts to public services.

If those were the five tests would we join?

This is not about a coin, or about sovereignty. It is about a country having the right of self-determination in all aspects of our life.

The right to elect who we want to govern our country, to determine our own taxes, that we fund our own public services and we have to abide by our own laws and regulations.

The people of Britain were misled and fooled into joining the Common Market. Don't let history repeat itself.

J ALCOCK (Mr), Cherry Close, Blackburn.