CHILDREN could get healthier, learn about road safety and help save the environment by walking to school -- according to Blackpool Council.

The council this week launched its walk to and from school campaign in a bid to encourage parents and children to abandon the school run.

"We appreciate that it's not always possible to walk the full distance to school - but why not consider walking from a few streets instead?" said Cllr Fred Jackson, the council's portfolio holder for the urban environment.

"Parking further away will ease the school gate parking problems as outside each primary school, twice a day there is parking chaos, that increases the chances of a serious incident occurring."

Illusionist Richard De Vere and Schnorbitz were at Kincraig primary school on Friday to help launch the event, which will see 15,000 leaflets issued to children aged five to 11. The leaflets, provided by Shoemarket and the Blackpool Environmental Action Team (BEAT), encourage parents to think about their journey to school.

Councillor Jackson added: "Especially in the nice weather, walking to school has many benefits for just a little extra effort and a small change in routine. Please try it at least once - it won't be as difficult as you think"

pictured with children are :Cllr Kath Rowson and Richard De Vere