CALLERS on BBC Any Answers, and writers to BBC Today, have been allowed by the respective presenters to subscribe unchallenged to the widespread misconception that it was the Iraqis who gassed thousands of Kurds, when it was in fact the Iranians.

This information has long resided in the public domain, yet no attempt has been made either by the BBC, or by the printed media, to disabuse the badly informed British people.

Had more people been made aware of this the protest against the attack might have been strong enough to confound the warmongers, who, by trickery and deception and much blood, have gained their hidden objectives.

Bush has the oil, Ariel Sharon is rid of Saddam, and Blair has paid his debt to those friends of Israel who financed New Labour.

N G Charnley, Chesterfield Road, Blackpool

Not that I'm any fan of Bush or Blair but I have to ask ... the evidence for your claims is what? Ed