HOW many other residents of Great Harwood share my outrage at the action by Hyndburn Council on the Memorial Park playing fields?

Many of the horse chestnut trees have been chopped down, under a smokescreen of tree disease.

Now, we are told that some of these trees have been 'removed' to make way for improved sports facilities. Our wonderful council has won a grant to level the football pitches and provide a cricket pitch. Funny how one hard-ball game (golf) is banned on this public area but another (cricket) is encouraged, when money is involved.

If it is not a safe area for golf, surely the public will not be safe strolling across a cricket pitch when a game is in progress? But that is exactly what we are led to believe! According to our councillors, there will be no restriction to public access at any time. Are they going to issue us all in Great Harwood with cricket helmets?

I know from speaking to other residents that they feel outraged and betrayed by our elected representatives and I think it is time that those responsible for this debacle did the honourable thing and resigned.

It's time to get rid of the dead wood in Hyndburn, so leave our trees alone and let's give the chop to those involved in ruining our heritage.

MIKE WHITTER, Park Lane, Great Harwood.