KEN Savage, managing director of Fraser Eagle, said: "Everyone at Fraser Eagle is very proud to be involved with the Pride of East Lancashire Campaign.

"We appreciate the support the company receives from the local community and see this award as an opportunity to give something back to that community.

"Fraser Eagle opted to sponsor the Outstanding Vocational Worker Award in particular because it represents perhaps the most selfless of all.

"This is for East Lancastrian public sector workers including service men and women who have acted beyond the call of duty. These are the people that we feel, perhaps more than any others, look after the local community.

"There are some amazing stories of people from all walks of life who continuously do that little bit extra which makes all the difference.

"Unfortunately a lot of that often goes unnoticed and this award will only help to highlight the excellence of individuals if readers put pen to paper and nominate their colleagues, friends, relatives or people who have helped them by going that step further in their work."