REGARDING Mr J Walsh's query (Letters, June 7) about Bleasdale's Band, I remember it from before the war when it played regularly at Ewood Park.

It was known locally as "Old Reno's," but the name on the big drum was Blackburn Prize Band.

I remember watching them as a lad rehearsing for a competition in what was Joe Ainsworth's garage next to the Prince of Wales pub on Montague Street in Blackburn and they were conducted by the organist of the Cathedral who, I think, was Dr Brierley.

Ainsworth's in those days sold big American cars, Chryslers etc. Also, on the corner of Nightingale Street and Montague Street was a Chinese laundry -- Harry Wong's. He did the washing in a big cellar and there was a flap to knock on, which he would shout up and say: "What you want?"

I'd say: "Can I have my Dad's collars?" which were the old white stiff, polished sort.

E SMITH, Higher Witton Road, Blackburn.