LOWERHOUSE Park Bowling Club, in Lowerhouse Lane, have been working with partially sighted people from Temple Street.

Members from the bowling club have been teaching them how to play crown green bowls and they enjoyed it so much that they are attending again this week.

The game involves two people, one at each end of the green, one who lines the bowler up and the one at the other end gives out instructions where to bowl to. Seven partially sighted people took part.

PUPILS, staff and their teddies at Rosegrove Infant School enjoyed a Teddy Bears Picnic, proceeds of which are being donated to Action Research, which is a national charity.

Next Tuesday, it is the annual school leavers concert at 2.30pm. The theme will be events throughout the year. School closes on Wednesday at 2.30pm and re-opens on August 12 at 8.55am.

ROSEGROVE Action Group is holding a competition for the best hanging basket, window box and best yard garden. See the Action Group shop window for more details.

The baskets were provided and put in place on Monday.

We now have enough plants for the garden and thank you all who donated. Help is still needed to help with the garden tidy contact shop. If you can help, watch for coffee morning opening.

COFFEE Morning and Bring and Buy will be held tomorrow at Joyce and Gladys' home, 25 Lowerhouse Crescent. Please support this event as all proceeds go to St Mark's Church funds.