DARWEN businesses are being offered the opportunity to sponsor a star's visit to the town.

James Bond actress Caroline Munro, who starred in 'The Spy Who Loved Me' and also appeared as a hostess in 1980s show 3-2-1 with Dusty Bin, will be dropping into the Darwen LIbrary Theatre on Saturday, September 13.

The town's businesses are being called upon to help raised the £800 needed to pay for her visit.

Graham Groom, Darwen Library worker, said: "She will be coming to Darwen to sign audio drama CDs. She will also be signing photographs and talking to people.

"It's fantastic that we can get someone like Caroline to Darwen and we want people to help us raise the money. In return they will have their names on promotion posters and in the 25,000 autumn brochures we send out."

Anyone wishing to get involved should contact Graham on dwacc@lancs.communigate.co.uk or call the theatre box office on 01254 706006.